What You Can’t See
Cut grid paper
94 x 70 cm each
What You Can’t See is a series of Jesus’ loincloths, isolated from Italian Renaissance paintings, and reproduced in life-size by delicately cutting sheets of grid paper. In their transformation from two to three dimensions, the cut loincloths no longer conceal, enticing an examination of that which is covered, hidden, or simply not known – specifically regarding the separation of sexuality from divinity within Christianity. The series includes loincloths from paintings by the following artists: Cimabue (c.1288), Giotto (c.1305), Duccio (c.1307), Cavallini (1308), Masolino da Panicale (c.1435), Masaccio (1426), Fra Angelico (c.1440), Della Francesca (c.1450), Bellini (c.1468), Perugino (c.1483), Luini (c.1530), Tintoretto (1565), and Carracci (1583). This succession of images positions the aesthetic functioning of icons to be examined in relation to influence and transformation.